Emerald Ash Borer Awareness

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Emerald Ash Borer Awareness

To generate awareness of this devastating pest, ArborScape Denver Tree Service will be posting information about EAB online throughout the week. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, or connect with us below for the latest updates, news, and tips.

What is Emerald Ash Borer?


Emerald ash borer is a non-native borer that attacks all North American species of ash to varying degrees. Accidentally introduced into southeastern Michigan, it was first detected in 2002 and since has killed millions of ash trees in forests and urban environments.
This invasive pest was discovered in Boulder, Colorado, in September of 2013, with an estimated age of infestation of three to four years – making the spread of the pest to other metro areas and Colorado at large a worrisome possibility.

See our FAQ on EAB in Colorado here.

Tree services that tell you that EAB is in Denver already should be avoided, as this is completely unknown at present. Until the State Department of Agriculture makes a definitive statement of detection, an arborist should disclose that EAB is not yet confirmed in the metro area.


In Colorado, we’ll need to approach emerald ash borer differently than in many other states. That’s because ash/lilac borer – a similar pest of ash trees – is already boring holes in, and killing, many ash trees locally. While not as aggressive as EAB, it does reduce the effectiveness of treatments designed to prevent EAB.  Therefore, if your tree is heavily infested with ash/lilac borer already, it may be best to remove and replace it.
ArborScape has developed a free, easy-to-use tool to determine the cost of managing their ash trees in the future in light of this new threat.

Ways to Stop the invasion

Transporting firewood is the consensus pick as the main way EAB will travel and spread in Colorado. So, don’t transport ash for firewood.

See FAQs, free materials, and tool kit on Don’tMoveFirewood.org

If you have ash trees on your property, it’s vital to have a qualified Denver tree service take a look at your ash tree to:

  • confirm the species of ash
  • determine whether the tree is infested yet
  • evaluate the general health and maintenance of the tree

Need advice on your ash trees? Click here for your free Ash Tree Evaluation today.

It’s best practice to first treat the tree for ash/lilac borer if present.

Within the city of Boulder, officials recommend an EAB preventive tree injection for ash trees in spring. Colorado Department of Agriculture is recommending treatment on high-profile ash trees in Boulder.

Is my Ash a High Profile tree?

helpful links on the EAB invasion:

http://highlandsranch.org/2014/06/20/emerald-ash-borer – Highlandsranch.org official coverage on EAB, with downloadable .pdf content

https://www.facebook.com/DontMoveFirewood?fref=nf – Facebook page for Don’tMoveFirewood.org, the premier EAB awareness resource

http://www.emeraldashborer.info/map.cfm – a map of afflicted areas, in the west and elsewhere

https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/agplants/emerald-ash-borer –  The Colorado Department of Agriculture’s EAB portal

stay tuned to ArborScape for updates, helpful links, news, tips, and resources on EAB!