About one or two feet from the trunk, make an undercut one-third of the way up through the bottom of the branch. Your saw will get pinched if you cut too far up.
Make your second cut completely through the branch from the top side, about three inches out on the branch from your first.
This should allow the branch to fall away without tearing the branch bark into the trunk.
Keep it safe – Never do tree trimming or removal work that should be done by a professional. Heave tree branches can seriously injure you in a split second!
More safety tips:
Never use a ladder for trimming trees. This is asking to get hurt!
Tie into the tree in 2 places, using professional-grade equipment and techniques
Be sure you properly “notch” a tree trunk when you are feeling it. Kickback can kill you!
Take a class in chain saw safety and operation. Wear safety chaps lined with material that will protect your legs.
Eye and ear protection as well as a hard hat should be worn.